Saturday, September 27, 2014

It's been a rough year.

January 2nd I fell, dislocated both hips, and generally screwed up from the waist down.  Finally got that healed (YAY) and broke a major molar and wound up with oral surgery.

That's healing, and I'm HOPING that we're at the end of the illness/injury train for a while.

Just turned in the page proofs for THE EXILE.  The cover for it is AWESOME--SERIOUSLY GORGEOUS.  I'll upload it if I can manage.

AWESOME isn't it?

We're having a re-release of TOUCH OF EVIL too--October.  I'm SO EXCITED.  It's awesome.  And I was very happy when I did a re-read.  It's a better book than I remembered, and I got to tighten up the one or two little things that bugged me in the previous version.

SO, if you haven't gotten a chance to read it, DO.


I also got the map and the excerpt to the newsletter guru so it will go out today.

Now I need to go home, have some dinner, and finish the second pass on ALL YOUR WISHES, the next Celia Graves novel.

Then I can say I'm having a TRULY PRODUCTIVE day.

Best to you all.  


1 comment:

Unknown said...

When will the new Celia Graves book be out?