Saturday, August 24, 2013


Once upon a time, a long time ago, I was a wannabe writer desperate to get published and hungry to have the tools to do the research I needed to do to make a great product (mysteries mostly back then, some fantasy too.) There was a series of books I lusted after called the "Howdunit" series from Writer's Digest.  I didn't believe in myself enough to convince myself back then to shell out the money I couldn't afford to buy them.  But OH I wanted those babies.

WELL, I am now a professional writer, a NOVELIST.  (WOOT!!)  I still have to do lots of research.  (Lot of it is help from friends.  Some on the internet.)  But you know what.  I still read books for research.  And a panel by a friend who is a #1 NYT author reminded me of those books.

I went online.  I FOUND THEM -- WOOT WOOT WOOT.  I ordered a bunch and am SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!

I know it's geeky.  I DON'T CARE!  I will have the tools I need to look up poisons, and crime scenes and common guns.  RIGHT IN MY LIBRARY!


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