Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Guten Tag

Good afternoon everybody.

AE had great news! Happy times!

Let's see, book is ROLLING -- FINALLY!!!! WHOO HOO!! I was getting very frustrated. I'd tried a couple of different beginnings, but they just weren't working. Now I've found one that seems to work, and I'm incorporating the other information, which means I have quite a few pages done!

I'm getting healthier. It's slow going, but I'm actually feeling like myself quite a bit of the time now. I just have to be very careful not to push to hard.

Still trying to decide what conferences I am and am not going to this year. It's hard.... I dunno...

Well, I would love to tell you all wonderful exciting news, but we're kind of in between things right now. Just keeping on keeping on. Soon as we know more, I'll post it. In the meantime, good things are on tap, I just have to be patient.

Oh, and I've managed to stop pissing people off. It just suddenly stopped, very much like it just suddenly began. I'm telling myself it was pre-Christmas stress on all sides. Probably not true, but as explanations go, it'll do.

Later guys. If you see a great quiz, let me know.



Yolanda Sfetsos said...

Good to hear things are shifting into a nice gear for you, Cie!

Can't wait to find out what the exciting news is! :)

Have a GREAT day!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out, Cie!!

I'm glad that you're feeling better. Ickiness and writing isn't easy.

Do let us know which conferences you hit, please. I might be going to be BEA in May. Maybe we could run into each other. :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are going good, that's great to hear!