Sunday, May 14, 2006


Hi Guys! Happy Mother's Day.

Let's see, I don't have long, but I wanted to write. I'm going to the RT Conference and will be off of the blog for about a week. (Unless I can't bear it and log onto the pay computer--always a possibility). I still have to finish packing.

I love travel.
I hate travel.

I've pretty-much finished the first draft of the book. When I get back I'll be beefing it up for a day or two, then passing it to Cathy. It took longer than it was supposed to, which sucks. While I know the trip is important, a part of me really wishes I could stay and work on the book longer. I feel like I've been rushing it too much and it's driving me crazy!

I also hate leaving the house a mess, but getting the draft done was more important than housework. James is here to take care of the animals, so everything will be fine at home, but I fret anyway.

There are two I'm buying myself out of the next check if I can (barring unexpected expenses, which always seem to come up.) (1) A dehumidifier (I mean, crap, this morning I sat up at the computer and put on my glasses AND THEY FOGGED UP IN FRONT OF MY FACE. THAT is flipping humid. UGH. The heat doesn't bother me. The humidity does. I ACHE. So, a good dehumidifier. (2) A new mattress. I have one of the adjustable air beds (the model before there were "sleep numbers." It has served me well for a number of years. But alas, all good things come to an end. It's losing air all the time, and the divider in the middle has died so that I roll downward in my sleep. Sometimes it's actually funny because side A will deflate, but side B is still full (or vice versa, they deflate at different rates, which is annoying) and I will be sleeping on an incline. Enough already!

Anyway, I'm trying to get over being grumpy while everybody is still asleep. Humor does it for me. So I'm laughing at my bed and promising myself that I'll get a new mattress when I get the next check.

Everybody be happy! If you're going to RT, say hi to me in the bar!



Yolanda Sfetsos said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too!

Have FUN at RT!


Anonymous said...

Have fun! Hope you had a nice Mother's Day! I took my Mom out for Mother's Day yesterday and we ended up at a few bookstores, so I showed her your book "Touch of Evil" while we were were at Borders.

Anonymous said...

Whoops, that was me.