Sunday, September 25, 2016

The thing about characters is . . .

Okay, first off, on the 100 day thing.  I have no idea where I'm at.  But I've been making progress, and I am happier than I've been in a while overall.  Still ups and downs, but at least I don't feel as if I'm stuck any more.

NOW about the writing. . .

I've been doing it.  Eight pages a day average.  Four on each project.  Both are going well.  Both now require a bit of research, which I am about to do.

The thing is, I had to write this HUGE disclaimer at the front of the cozy mystery.  It is set in a small town.  I live in a small town.  They are NOT the same small town.  There is NOT A SINGLE PERSON in this book that is a reflection of any actual real person I know.  Seriously.  NOT     ONE.  I have to say that loudly and repeatedly because I have found that, for some reason, people I know locally want this to be a salacious Peyton Place kind of book that actually mimics reality so that they can try to figure out "who is who".  Nobody is.  For one thing I DON'T WANT/NEED TO GET MY ASS SUED.  For another, most of you guys are really pretty boring.  Seriously.  Get over it.

So, anyway, the characters who ARE in the book are the people who have announced themselves to me.  And as is frequently the case in my imagination, they sprang forth fully formed and they don't give a fat rat's ass whether I like certain things about them.  This is a sample "conversation" in my head with the main character:

ME:  Um, look, I'm not a lesbian.  This is going to make it really REALLY hard for me to write you believably.  Can I maybe. . .

MEGAN:  Tough shit.  I am.  Deal with it.

ME:  But . . .

MEGAN:  No buts.  I am.  You're a writer.  Use your imagination.  Ask people if you're afraid you've gotten it wrong.  But love is love. You've loved people.  I know you have.  Deal.

ME:  But she's BLIND.  I mean, can I at least . . .

MEGAN:  Yes, Beth is blind.  It's harder on her than it is you, believe me.  If she can handle it, you can write about it. 

AND THIS, my friends, is why my imagination always wins.  Because it is filled with hard-asses who are not afraid to stand up for me.  And yes, I know, it does make me sound crazy.  But apparently the characters in my imagination DO NOT CARE if they drive me crazy.  They figure I'm already halfway there.  I'm a writer.


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