Friday, June 24, 2005

Welcome to the Weekend

We're almost there! WHOO HOO!!! Let's hear it for the weekend.

I had intended to have a big garage sale this weekend. BUT as of yesterday the City decided to tear up my street. SO, if people can't get to the house, they're not going to be going to a garage sale there. SO, I'm rescheduling, probably for next weekend, which is a holiday weekend, which could be either good or bad, I'm not sure which. But either way it leaves me THIS weekend to enjoy.

Talked to my sister yesterday. She had a really lucky break. Terrible wreck on the highway doing 70, (wasn't her fault), and she wasn't even hurt. Even the cops said she should've been killed. We are now looking upward and saying "thanks!"

My sister's brother-in-law died unexpectedly. They think it was pneumonia. The coroner didn't know for sure. It's been a bit of a shock to my brother-in-law. I guess this drives home yet again to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES FOLKS. Pneumonia isn't a wimpy disease. If you feel your chest tightening -- get thee to a doctor. (And yes, that goes for me too. AND before you ask. I'm fine. Only a little lingering cough that comes from the asthma kicking in.)

Anyway, take care of yourselves. Buy books. Be happy.

Oh, and we may be taking part in another anthology. More word on that later.



Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your Brother-in law's Brother and your Sister's car accident (glad she's alright). Happy weekend everybody.

Yolanda Sfetsos said...

Sorry to hear the bad news Cie, but happy that your sister's alright!

I agree, we gotta take care of ourselves and go to a doctor when something doesn't feel right.

And yeah - keep buying books!

Have a GREAT weekend.


Anonymous said...

It's Saturday and I'm checking in. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I am going to the pool this afternoon as it is about 100 degrees here, and going to an art gallery open house tonight (with champagne and hor d'ouvres, yea!). My Niece and Nephew are flying in today to visit, so I get to visit with them off an on over the next 3 weeks (they are staying at my parent's place).

Anonymous said...

Happy Sunday! Just checking in! went to the art gallery show last night and had three glasses of champagne. 4 of my friends showed up and we went for Italian food after that, got home in the wee hours of the morning, it was a great time! Hope you all are having fun too!

Anonymous said...

Bleck, it's Monday, ug, can't wait until Friday for the 3 day 4th of July holiday weekend! Sorry Yolanda, you probably don't have a holiday weekend this weekend.

Yolanda Sfetsos said...

You're right Jim! No long weekend for me... but it is my birthday next Thursday...
