Thursday, October 06, 2005

Just a Quick Check-In

Things are going well. I didn't sleep much last night, but other than that, very good things are happening and I am mostly happy. Probably the only things that would make me happier is a NYT bestseller or a WHOLE BUNCH (we're talking millions folks, I'm thinkin' big), like win the lotto kind of money. Since neither appear to be on the horizon for the next week (although I may buy a ticket), I will make do with what I've got and be grateful for it.

Saw a hysterical E-bay offering for men's leather pants. Made me laugh SOOOOO hard. Needed it too.

Well, gotta run. Life is calling. Be good. Be happy. Be careful.



Anonymous said...

Yeah, that lotto money would come in handy wouldn't it? A few weeks back the lotto in my state got up to $250 million, so I thought of your character Sue in "Hunter's Moon" (because she was a lottery winner) and I thought to myself, "if I win this, I'll be richer than Cie and Cathy's character Sue," so I figured that must be some kind of a sign, so I spent $2.00 on two tickets and lost, waa-waa, thanks for playing folks, ha, ha!

Yolanda Sfetsos said...

Yeah, that lotto win would be great! I'm not greedy... just a small win of a couple of million would be fine! ;)

Gotta love the leather pants! LOL.

Well, have a GREAT day Cie, Cathy and Jimbo!