Thursday, December 03, 2009

Would you like to see?

Okay, I'm depressed. Lots of reasons, some of them biology. Others, just not having made progress or having backslid on pretty much every one of my goals. But I'm human. I do that occasionally. Never give up. Never, ever, ever give up.

ANYWAY, I didn't get the contest entry sent in time. Would you guys like me to post it as part of the first Double Feature?



Tammy said...


That's all I'll say/do, everyone backslides some.

As for the entry, what entry? It's too early apparently cause I have no idea what you're talking about, but sure if you want to post it, go right ahead.

Dolly said...

Chin up girl!!

I'm with Tammy, Cie, what entry? Do what YOU want to do.

C. T. Adams said...

I was getting a story ready to enter into a 1500 word contest. (VERY short story.) It was a mystery. I didn't wind up submitting it, so I wondered if y'all wanted to see it.

Dolly said...

I would love to see the story. Sorry you didn't get it entered. Show us please?

Tammy said...

Yes please.

Now that I've had a few hours to wake up - lol - just in time to go to bed I think i do remember you mentioning it in an earlier post.

Shawn said...

Definitely - post it!

Suzette said...

Im there with you on the backsliding on the goals. Have slid waaay back. Oh well. I just have to start all over......sometime.

Dolly said...

Hope you are doing alright. We miss you. Hang in there