Monday, April 19, 2010

Recovering from Food Poisoning

Seem to finally be recovering. May I say for the record, food poisoning sucketh. I felt worse than all but one or two times in my life (and one of those was when my kidney went out and I nearly died). I couldn't even keep down water for most of yesterday. Seriously. WATER. I actually decided that if I wasn't better today the hospital was a possibility. When someone without health insurance who loathes hospitals says that you know it's gotten bad.

But I'm not as weak as I was. I am actually upright. I'm hydrated (and it stayed down!). I was even adventurous enough to try TOAST. But I think I have now crossed Mexican food off of my list of edibles forever. Just typing the words made my stomach roll.


Dolly said...

Boy, I know what you mean about even thinking about one type of food can make you ill. I have a hate affair with watermelon. I got sick for 2 days when I was 7 years old. I'm 53 and can't even stand the smell.

Take care of yourself.

Tammy said...

I too know what you mean, my no no food believe it or not is brocholli (and boy is that spelled wrong).

Glad to hear you kept down the water and toast.

EatSafe said...

I certainly hope you are feeling better now, and that you haven't had any complications as a result of your illness. Did you ever find out what made you sick?

My name is Gail Stephens, and I work for a non-profit organization call S.T.O.P. – Safe Tables Our Priority. S.T.O.P. is a national nonprofit public health organization dedicated to the prevention of illness and death from foodborne pathogens, like salmonella and E. coli. We have achieved many successes by advocating changes in public policy, providing victim assistance, educating consumers about the risks of foodborne illness and much more.

Please respond to this message or call our office at (847)831-3032, if you would like to learn more about us! You may also email me at If you are not interested, that is completely fine as well, but we would love to hear from you regardless!

Best Wishes and Safe Eating,
