Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Moody Day

Morning guys. Another fairly early one. 5:30. Was going for 4:30, but just couldn't make myself do it. Grumpy and a bit tired. I'll get over it though. I'm looking forward to the trip, even if it is only a quick hop. The cats won't even have time to get used to the housesitter. Just as well. I miss 'em when I'm gone more than a day or two.

Thrilled that I found out I am actually in an anthology with Neil Gaiman. How cool is that?

HAVE to get moving on some of the stuff on my plate. But this morning I AM WRITING.

Sometimes in the press of all of the other happy horseshit involved in "being a writer" I lose the time for actually doing the freaking job. But if there is no copy, there IS no job.

SO, I'm off to write. And just thinking that makes me smile. I'm beginning to wonder if that wasn't the source of the grumpies I was having. Too much time working on the business without enough time working on the creative. HMNNN. Something to think about.


Natalie said...

Hi im rather new to your books I came across ur 1st sazi book "hunters moon" by accident and didnt put it down I read it in 1 day, I went looking on the net and then found your other books and was really excited I purcessed "moons web" and "cold moon rising".I hope that this makes your day a less moody one, but I dont read I find it very hard for I have Dyslexia and Irlen syndrome (I cant read black on white that well its very confusing because the letters and words move, so the few of us that have this form of dyslexia have coloured glasses or coloured overlays)so it always put me off reading until I found your books that is, I found myself in another world, one of magic and power and I loved the story of Tony and Sue and was wondering if there is going to be any more about his story, there are still many question for example why is the council so intersted in him ?, Does Tony ever complete carmines task?, What about lizy lol does she survive her grandfather? I know your really busy but I would love to know if Tony's story contiues, your new fan Natalie Hush xxx

C. T. Adams said...

I'm so glad you're enjoying them. Dyslexia can make reading very hard, but I'm glad you're making the effort.
1) There is more about him. In fact, he pops in throughout the series and Cold Moon Rising stars him. 2)Tony completed Carmine's task in a short story that Cathy had in an anthology. If you e-mail I will try to find the name of the antho and send it back to you. (Don't have it in front of me right now). We haven't pursued Liz and her grandfather (YET), but she's a tough cookie, so I'd be willing to bet she can hold her own.

Suzette said...

Miney Moe stopping in quick to say hello! Loved Blood Song and cant wait till next. Question,is your cover artist the cover model? There seems to be a similarity or is it just me

Sorry been awhile. Life has been hectic

Tammy said...

Enjoy your trip!

Oh, stopped at local bookstore the other day and picked up extra copy of Blood Song to give to friend in hospital. She loved it when I gave it to her today.

Natalie said...

Thanks alot I wasnt expecting a reply so soon im really greatful :D i will use the email soon as possable
thank you again
natalie hush x

C. T. Adams said...

Dear Miney -- SHARP EYES there. Yup. The artist is an artist and used herself as a model. We discovered one of her photos and it inspired me for the series. When we sent the photo with the mss to the editor, she liked it well enough that they negotiated with the artist to do the covers. VERY happy series of events.

C. T. Adams said...

Tammy, thanks for giving the book to your friend. Hope she's better soon.
