Sunday, May 22, 2005

Yippie ki yi yay.

Hi guys! Jim, haven't heard much from you. Hope you are happy and well and just busy. Hope you had a great trip. Sounded like it.

I have good news: (DRUM ROLL PLEASE)


Cathy did a MARVELOUS job, we worked out the final chapter so it isn't anticlimactic, and towards the end of the book more of Kate's original character shines through so I felt she was less ordinary, which makes me happy. I'm SOOOOOOO Glad because BOY did this book fight me/us -- every single step of the way. But it's a good book -- even if I do say so myself. The romance is now more present and real instead of an afterthought.

MORE GOOD NEWS -- We actually WON a couple of awards. For those of you who have been paying attention, we've mostly been competing against the same books in every contest and almost always coming in Second. Terrifically flattering but also a little, shall we say, FRUSTRATING.

We have high hopes for Moon's Web. Coming out in August, which is faster than I would've thought. Time is ZOOMING by.

Finally shaking the last of the flu. Still don't feel GREAT but at least I'm not depressed, sick and miserable and ferociously grumpy. I really feel even more sorry for everyone around me than I do for me when I'm sick. I do not go quietly into illness, which is why I try to stay the he** away from everybody (aside from contagion). If I don't I might find some of my friendships won't survive. I would say that normally I'm a relatively nice person. When I'm sick I'm just not normal.

I'm frustrated with my son. Karma at its finest. Enough said.

I'm getting ready for the RWA Conference in Reno. Originally I'd hoped to just switch over Cathy's registration, but they won't let us. Then I was hoping to get it done Friday, but there were glitches with my file at RWA (old e-mail address and can't find my password). SO, now I have to do it FIRST thing Monday and PRAY that they haven't already filled up. It's important we have a presence there, and that I present, because of Moon's Web. I just hope I don't wear myself out as much as I did at RT. RT was FUN, but I came back so worn out that I got sick. OY.

Well, gotta run. My GOAL (ambitious as it is) is to get 10 pages done on Cat every day. Because deadlines are approaching. Wish me luck!



Yolanda Sfetsos said...

COOL! Congrats on getting Kate out! YAY - YAY - and more YAY!

I know what you mean about being grumpy when you're sick... I get like that. It's like everything bothers you, huh? Little things that otherwise wouldn't even be there become huge... I hope you're feeling way better.

Have a TERRIFIC week and I'll speak to you soon - ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi, sorry to hear your not feeling well, and I know what you mean about being sick, I tend to work and just stay home when I'm sick, and since I live by myself, there is no one around, so it's quiet and I just rest as much as I can. That's great about all the great book news and awards you are getting, that's so awesome!

Alyssa said...

Wow, you're going to be at the RWA signing? That's cool! Will you have copies of Moon's Web there?
