Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Another Day

Good morning all. Yet again Match.com has posted the smiling face of some young stud on my computer to help me greet the day. The trick is, he is quite the YOUNG stud and I would feel extremely squicky dating someone the same age or younger than my son. Extremely squicky. In fact, I did get asked out by someone young and studly and turned him down for that very reason. There are limits to my cougarity.

Still working very hard. But that's to be expected.

One of the best things about writing BTW is other writers. They "get it." And they can help you laugh when you're hitting bottom. Here's to the lovely folks who share in my profession!

Okay, gotta get ready for the day job. Have a great one everybody.



Breezy1323 said...

Thanks for the post it made me smile

Tammy said...

LOL but some of them are pretty to look at :-)