Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Hi Guys!

Good morning! I was going to post a "serious" blog where I pondered change, forgiveness (mostly forgiving yourself) accepting your own faults and all kinds of DEEEEEEEEP stuff. BUT, you've been spared. THE FIRST SHIPMENT OF THE BOOKS HAVE ARRIVED!!!!!! We got them from Barnes & Noble. Haven't received our copies from Tor yet, but that's OK. THE BOOKS HAVE ARRIVED. THEY'RE SHIPPING!!! (Can you tell I'm excited.)

This is just what I needed. Life had been a bit hard lately, and this was JUST the perfect thing to make me feel less bad about myself for not being perfect, being bad at some of the more "practical" stuff, etc. HAPPY TIMES!!!! (Cie is now doing the happy dance).

Took the first book from the box and signed it with my full name -- that copy is going to my parents with a note that tries to tell them how much I love them. We're doing a charity thing where we're auctioning off a "reader's group" package of 5 or 6 autographed books, promo pens, limited edition bookmarks (that Cathy and I designed), and a list of suggested discussion questions. This is a "thank you" to Laurell K. Hamilton and is being donated to one of her favorite animal charities. I hope it does well. The arc auction did, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed (when I'm not typing).

ANYWAY, the hard times are hard to get through, but THERE WAS A POT OF GOLD AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW THIS TIME!!!!



Anonymous said...


C. T. Adams said...

Thank you Jim for your trips to the "100 Acre Woods". I hope you have a really terrific Thanksgiving!
